¿Dios pudo haber creado el Coronavirus?

¿Has oído hablar de la Teoría del Diseño Inteligente? Es una teoría científica que mantiene que el resultado del conjunto de estudios sobre la célula —estudios de la vida a nivel molecular— y el estudio de la cosmología aportan suficientes datos a favor de que tanto la vida como el universo fueron planeados y estructurados con ingeniería, diseño y ajuste …

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Information Enigma: Where does information come from?

Information drives the development of life. But what is the source of that information? Could it have been produced by an unguided Darwinian process? Or did it require Intelligent Design? The Information Enigma is a fascinating 21-minute documentary that probes the mystery of biological information, the challenge it poses to orthodox Darwinian theory, and the reason it points to Intelligent …

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Complexidade irredutível

Palestra para professores de faculdade, na Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT) 05/07/2013 Design Inteligente UFMT – Dr. Marcos Eberlin 38.344 visualizaciones Marcus V A Correa Publicado el 29 jul. 2013 É bom demais estar aquí. Principalmente para falar sobre a questão maior. Eu quando entrei na ciência achei que eu ia aprender química, aprender biologia, aprender tanta coisa… Eu …

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Exist ‘something great’ that makes it possible for a living body to maintain its life

Kazuo Murakami: “People casually speak of life, saying ‘I am living’. However, nobody on earth lives solely by their own capability. I have been studying the research done to decode the human genetic code. I was fascinated by the splendid technology that enabled us to do this research. However, one day I became aware of a much more amazing fact. …

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To what or to whom do we owe our existence?

Douglas Axe: “To what or to whom should we owe our existence? This should be the starting point for people who take life seriously, whether a scientific or not. We can not rest without the answer because everything that is absolutely important is riding on it”. From the book Undeniable: How biology confirms our intuition that life is projected. New …

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La realidad de la vida se opone a la idea de una evolución

Michael Behe: “Al ir en aumento el número de sistemas biológicos de complejidad irreducible que carecen de explicación, nuestra confianza en que se ha satisfecho el criterio darwiniano de fracaso se dispara hasta las más altas cotas que permite la ciencia.” Fuente: La caja negra de Darwin: el desafío bioquímico a la evolución. Michael Behe, 2006. Pág.39,40 El estudio de …

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