{:en}How great is God!{:}{:es}¡Cuán grande es Dios!{:}{:pt}Quão grande é Deus!{:}{:fr}Dieu est si grand!{:}

{:en} How great is God! André-Marie Ampère: How great is God! And our science an insignificance. «Work with the spirit of prayer. Study the things of this world, it is your duty; but look only with one eye, and the other is fixed in the eternal realities. Deal with the things of this world with one hand. With the other …

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{:en}I’m not an atheist{:}{:es}No soy ateo{:}{:pt}Não sou ateu{:}{:fr}Je ne suis pas athée{:}

{:en} Albert Einstein: Nobel Prize in Physics, 1921 «I’m not an atheist and I do not think he can call me a pantheist. We are in the same situation as a child who enters a huge library filled with books written in many languages. The child knows that someone must have written those books. He does not know how. Does …

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{:en}Deeds vs. opinions{:}{:es}Hechos vs. opiniones{:}{:pt}Feitos vs. opiniões{:}{:fr}Faits vs opinions{:}

{:en} Gabriel Celaya: «The deeds are the eternal language of God and opinions, the ephemeral language of men.» Gabriel Celaya (Hernani, Guipúzcoa, March 18, 1911 – Madrid, 1991) Spanish poet of the postwar literary generation. National Award of Spanish Literature {:}{:es} Gabriel Celaya: «Los hechos son el eterno lenguaje de Dios y las opiniones, el efímero lenguaje de los hombres.» …

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