{:en}Muchos buenos científicos han concluido que un Dios inteligente ha decidido crear el universo{:}{:fr}Beaucoup de scientifiques ont conclu qu’un Dieu intelligent a décidé de créer l’univers{:}

{:en} William Daniel Phillips: Premio Nobel de Física, 1997 «Como físico, observo la naturaleza desde un punto de vista particular. Veo un universo ordenado, hermoso, en el que casi todos los fenómenos físicos pueden ser entendidos con unas pocas y simples ecuaciones matemáticas. Veo a un universo que, de haber sido construido de una manera ligeramente diferente, nunca habría dado …

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{:en}A powerful and intelligent Being{:}{:es}Un Ser poderoso y inteligente{:}{:pt}Um ser poderoso e inteligente{:}{:fr}Un être puissant et intelligent{:}

{:en} Isaac Newton: «This beautiful system composed of the Sun, the planets and the comets could not have been created by the advice and dominion of a powerful and intelligent Being … The Supreme God is a Being eternal, infinite, absolutely perfect. » Of the Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica. Book III by Isaac Newton Newton’s Philosophy of Nature : Selections …

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{:en}I’m not an atheist{:}{:es}No soy ateo{:}{:pt}Não sou ateu{:}{:fr}Je ne suis pas athée{:}

{:en} Albert Einstein: Nobel Prize in Physics, 1921 «I’m not an atheist and I do not think he can call me a pantheist. We are in the same situation as a child who enters a huge library filled with books written in many languages. The child knows that someone must have written those books. He does not know how. Does …

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