{:en}An intelligent creator behind human DNA{:}{:es}Un creador inteligente detrás del ADN humano{:}{:pt}Um criador inteligente por trás do DNA humano{:}{:fr}Un créateur intelligent derrière l’ADN humain{:}
- ADN, Física, General, Matemáticas
- Ateismo, Evolución, Falsedades, Fe, Inteligencia, Maravilla, Matemática, Un Ser
- 23 septiembre, 2016
{:en} John Lennox: «If we found A word written in the sand on the beach, the immediate impression is to recognize the work of an intelligent agent. How much more likely, therefore, that there is an intelligent creator behind human DNA, a colossal biological database which contains not less than three billion letters?» Are we not more than molecules? «The …
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