{:en}#1. Do we know where we come from?{:}{:es}#1. ¿Sabemos de donde venimos?{:}{:pt}#1. Sabemos de onde viemos?{:}{:fr}#1. Savons-nous d’où nous venons?{:}{:it}#1. Sappiamo da dove veniamo?{:}{:ca}#1. Sabem d’on venim?{:}{:ja}科学は神を否定しますか?{:}{:el}#1. Γνωρίζουμε απο που ήρθαμε;{:}

{:en} bucket id=»1106″ title=»Intro text video» Does science deny God? # 1. Do we know where we come from? Canal: Science leads to God 14 dic 2017 Does science deny the existence of God? A large majority of people would say… Yes. Why? It’s easy: Science is based on scientific evidence, while faith is more of a belief in God. …

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