{:en}Muchos buenos científicos han concluido que un Dios inteligente ha decidido crear el universo{:}{:fr}Beaucoup de scientifiques ont conclu qu’un Dieu intelligent a décidé de créer l’univers{:}

{:en} William Daniel Phillips: Premio Nobel de Física, 1997 «Como físico, observo la naturaleza desde un punto de vista particular. Veo un universo ordenado, hermoso, en el que casi todos los fenómenos físicos pueden ser entendidos con unas pocas y simples ecuaciones matemáticas. Veo a un universo que, de haber sido construido de una manera ligeramente diferente, nunca habría dado …

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{:en}A powerful and intelligent Being{:}{:es}Un Ser poderoso y inteligente{:}{:pt}Um ser poderoso e inteligente{:}{:fr}Un être puissant et intelligent{:}

{:en} Isaac Newton: «This beautiful system composed of the Sun, the planets and the comets could not have been created by the advice and dominion of a powerful and intelligent Being … The Supreme God is a Being eternal, infinite, absolutely perfect. » Of the Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica. Book III by Isaac Newton Newton’s Philosophy of Nature : Selections …

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{:en}An intelligent creator behind human DNA{:}{:es}Un creador inteligente detrás del ADN humano{:}{:pt}Um criador inteligente por trás do DNA humano{:}{:fr}Un créateur intelligent derrière l’ADN humain{:}

{:en} John Lennox: «If we found A word written in the sand on the beach, the immediate impression is to recognize the work of an intelligent agent. How much more likely, therefore, that there is an intelligent creator behind human DNA, a colossal biological database which contains not less than three billion letters?» Are we not more than molecules? «The …

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{:en}Gambling and selection?{:}{:es}¿Azar y selección?{:}{:pt}Acaso e seleção?{:}{:fr}Hasard et sélection?{:}

{:en} Manuel Alfonseca: «Let’s consider this thought experiment. I work in the field of artificial life, and I use genetic algorithms and natural selection to simulate evolution in my simulated worlds. Let’s suppose that one day I get intelligent beings to appear in my programs. Applying the Dawkins argument (The probability of God is very small, because we have no …

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{:en}That God created the universe is scientifically plausible{:}{:es}Que Dios haya creado el universo es verosímil científicamente{:}{:fr}C’est scientifiquement plausible Que Dieu a créé l’univers{:}{:it}Che Dio abbia creato l’universo è scientificamente plausibile{:}

{:en} Robert Jastrow: «Now we see how the astronomical evidence leads to a biblical view of the origin of the world. The details differ, but the essential elements of the astronomical account and the Biblical account of Genesis are the same: the chain of events that culminated in man began suddenly and abruptly at a certain definite moment in time, …

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{:en}There’s nothing in the whole universe …{:}{:es}No hay nada en todo el universo …{:}{:pt}Não há nada no universo inteiro …{:}{:fr}Il n’y a rien dans tout l’univers…{:}{:it}Non c’è nulla nell’intero universo…{:}

{:en} Joan Lluís Vives: «Look well that there is nothing in the whole universe, big or small, that if you look at its beginning, its nature, property and strength, it does not put you on track to consider the wonders of God”. «When love is happy, it takes the soul to sweetness and goodness.» «The first condition for peace is the …

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