{:en}The Architect of all these things{:}{:es}El Arquitecto de todas estas cosas{:}{:pt}O Arquiteto de todas essas coisas{:}{:fr}L’architecte de toutes ces choses{:}
- Astronomía, Física
- Clasicos, Darwin, Fe, Inteligencia, Un Ser, USA
- 26 septiembre, 2016
{:en} Mikołaj Kopernik: «Who lives in intimate contact with the most consummate order and divine wisdom, will not feel stimulated to the most sublime aspirations? Who will not adore? to the Architect of all these things? » Nicolás Copernicico (Toruń, Prussia, 1473 – Frombork, Prussia, 1543) Polish-Prussian scientist. Mathematician, astronomer, jurist and physicist. He formulated the heliocentric theory of the …
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