{:en}Existe una mente consciente e inteligente{:}{:pt}Existe uma mente consciente e inteligente {:}{:fr}Il existe un esprit conscient et intelligent{:}

{:en} Max Planck Premio Nobel de Física, 1918 «Como hombre que ha dedicado su vida entera a la más clara y superior ciencia, al estudio de la materia, puedo decirles, como resultado de mi investigación acerca del átomo, lo siguiente: No existe la materia como tal. Toda la materia se origina y existe sólo por la virtud de una fuerza …

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{:en}La inteligencia artificial conduce a Dios{:}{:pt}A inteligência artificial conduz a Deus{:}{:fr}L’intelligence artificielle mène à Dieu{:}

{:en} Alan Perlis: «Un año investigando la inteligencia artificial es suficiente para comenzar a creer en Dios». Alan Perlis (Pittsburgh, 1922 – Connecticut, 1990) Alma máter Universidad Carnegie Mellon Catedrático de Ciencias de la Computación Doctor en matemáticas por el Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts (MIT) Presidente de la Asociación para la Maquinaria Computacional (ACM) de 1962-64. Director del Departamento de …

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{:en}The Architect of all these things{:}{:es}El Arquitecto de todas estas cosas{:}{:pt}O Arquiteto de todas essas coisas{:}{:fr}L’architecte de toutes ces choses{:}

{:en} Mikołaj Kopernik: «Who lives in intimate contact with the most consummate order and divine wisdom, will not feel stimulated to the most sublime aspirations? Who will not adore? to the Architect of all these things? » Nicolás Copernicico (Toruń, Prussia, 1473 – Frombork, Prussia, 1543) Polish-Prussian scientist. Mathematician, astronomer, jurist and physicist. He formulated the heliocentric theory of the …

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{:en}I’m not an atheist{:}{:es}No soy ateo{:}{:pt}Não sou ateu{:}{:fr}Je ne suis pas athée{:}

{:en} Albert Einstein: Nobel Prize in Physics, 1921 «I’m not an atheist and I do not think he can call me a pantheist. We are in the same situation as a child who enters a huge library filled with books written in many languages. The child knows that someone must have written those books. He does not know how. Does …

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{:en}An intelligent creator behind human DNA{:}{:es}Un creador inteligente detrás del ADN humano{:}{:pt}Um criador inteligente por trás do DNA humano{:}{:fr}Un créateur intelligent derrière l’ADN humain{:}

{:en} John Lennox: «If we found A word written in the sand on the beach, the immediate impression is to recognize the work of an intelligent agent. How much more likely, therefore, that there is an intelligent creator behind human DNA, a colossal biological database which contains not less than three billion letters?» Are we not more than molecules? «The …

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{:en}A Being that had the intention to create beings like us{:}{:es}Un Ser que tuviera la intención de crear seres como nosotros{:}{:pt}Um Ser que tivesse a intenção de criar seres como nós{:}{:fr}Un Être qui avait l’intention de créer des êtres comme nous{:}

{:en} Stephen Hawking: «It would be very difficult to explain why the universe must have started just like this the Big Bang, except for the act of a Being who had the intention of creating beings like us» «The laws of science, as we know them today, contain many fundamental numbers, such as the value of the electric charge of …

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