{:en}Nature has perfections to prove that it is God’s image and imperfections to prove that it is only an image{:}{:es}La naturaleza tiene perfecciones para demostrar que es imagen de Dios e imperfecciones para probar que sólo es una imagen{:}{:pt}A natureza tem perfeições que mostram que é a imagem de Deus, e defeitos que mostram que é apenas a imagem.{:}{:fr}La nature a des perfections pour prouver qu’elle est l’image de Dieu et des imperfections pour prouver qu’elle n’est qu’une image{:}
- Física, General, Matemáticas
- 9 marzo, 2018
{:en} Blaise Pascal: «I prefer to mistake believing in a God that does not exist, than make a mistake not believing in a God that exists. I will never know anything, when I sink into eternal nothingness, but if there is something, if there is someone, I will have to face for my attitude of rejection. » «Faith says what …
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