{:en}Exist ‘something great’ that makes it possible for a living body to maintain its life{:}{:es}Existe ‘something great’ que hace posible que un cuerpo vivo mantenga su vida{:}{:pt}Há «something great» que torna possível a um corpo vivo manter sua vida{:}{:fr}Il y a «something great» qui permet à un corps vivant de maintenir sa vie{:}
- ADN, Biología, Bioquímica, Física, General
- 10 noviembre, 2017
Kazuo Murakami:
«People casually speak of life, saying ‘I am living’. However, nobody on earth lives solely by their own capability. I have been studying the research done to decode the human genetic code. I was fascinated by the splendid technology that enabled us to do this research. However, one day I became aware of a much more amazing fact. It is this:
The genetic code is equivalent to the information contained in thousands of books, yet it is written in an infinitesimally small space.
And still, it can be decoded accurately and ceaselessly by a cell for the purpose of making a living body maintain its life.
What makes this possible? Not the human intellect or any technological device, but the great power of the nature. I call this ‘something great’. If we could truly understand this fact, our future would be more hopeful.
Kazuo Murakami
(Nara, Japan, 1936)
Doctor in Molecular Chemistry from the University of Kyoto, Japan (1964).
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Vanderbilt University, USA (1976).
Professor at the Institute of Applied Biochemistry, University of Tsukuba, Japan (1978).
Professor Emeritus of the University of Tsukuba (1999).
Academy Award of Japan
Kazuo Murakami:
«Nosotros hablamos casualmente de la vida, diciendo ‘estoy viviendo’. Sin embargo, nadie en la tierra vive solamente por su propia capacidad. He estado estudiando la investigación realizada para descifrar el código genético humano. Me fascinó la espléndida tecnología que nos permitió hacer esta investigación. Sin embargo, un día me di cuenta de un hecho mucho más sorprendente. Es este:
El código genético es equivalente a la información contenida en miles de libros, pero está escrito en un espacio infinitesimalmente pequeño.
Y aún así, puede ser decodificado con precisión y sin cesar por una célula con el propósito de hacer que un cuerpo vivo mantenga su vida.
¿Qué hace esto posible? No es el intelecto humano o cualquier dispositivo tecnológico, sino el gran poder de la naturaleza. Yo lo llamo ‘something great’. Si pudiéramos realmente entender este hecho, nuestro futuro sería más esperanzador.
Texto original: (mejorar la traducción) «People casually speak of life, saying ‘I am living’. However, nobody on earth lives solely by their own capability. I have been studying the research done to decode the human genetic code. I was fascinated by the splendid technology that enabled us to do this research. However, one day I became aware of a much more amazing fact. It is this: The genetic code is equivalent to the information contained in thousands of books, yet it is written in an infinitesimally small space. And still, it can be decoded accurately and ceaselessly by a cell for the purpose of making a living body maintain its life.
What makes this possible? Not the human intellect or any technological device but the great power of the nature. I call this ‘something great’. If we could truly understand this fact, our future would be more hopeful.
Kazuo Murakami
(Nara, Japan, 1936)
Doctor en Química Molecular por la Universidad de Kyoto, Japón (1964). Profesor Asistente de la Facultad de Medicina Vanderbilt University, USA (1976). Profesor del Instituto de Bioquímica Aplicada, Universidad de Tsukuba, Japón (1978). Profesor Emérito de la Universidad de Tsukuba (1999).
Premio de la Academia de Japón
Kazuo Murakami:
«Falamos casualmente sobre a vida, dizendo:» Eu estou vivendo «. No entanto, ninguém na Terra vive apenas por sua própria capacidade. Eu estive estudando a pesquisa feita de decodificar o código génetico humano.Fiquei fascinado pela esplêndida tecnologia que nos permitiu fazer essa pesquisa, mas, um dia percebi um fato muito mais surpreendente.
O código genético é equivalente à informação contida em milhares de livros, mas está escrito em um espaço infinitesimalmente pequeno.
E mesmo assim, pode ser precisamente e incessantemente decodificado por uma célula com o propósito de fazer com que um corpo vivo mantenha sua vida.
O que torna isso possível? Não é o intelecto humano ou qualquer dispositivo tecnológico, mas o grande poder da natureza. Eu chamo de ‘something great’. Se pudéssemos realmente entender esse fato, nosso futuro seria mais promissor.
Texto original:«People casually speak of life, saying ‘I am living’. However, nobody on earth lives solely by their own capability. I have been studying the research done to decode the human genetic code. I was fascinated by the splendid technology that enabled us to do this research. However, one day I became aware of a much more amazing fact. It is this: The genetic code is equivalent to the information contained in thousands of books, yet it is written in an infinitesimally small space. And still, it can be decoded accurately and ceaselessly by a cell for the purpose of making a living body maintain its life.
What makes this possible? Not the human intellect or any technological device but the great power of the nature. I call this ‘something great’. If we could truly understand this fact, our future would be more hopeful.
Kazuo Murakami
(Nara, Japão, 1936)
Doutor em Química Molecular pela Universidade de Kyoto, Japão (1964). Professor Assistente da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Vanderbilt, EUA (1976). Professor no Instituto de Bioquímica Aplicada da Universidade de Tsukuba, Japão (1978). Professor Emérito da Universidade de Tsukuba (1999).
Prêmio da Academia do Japão
Kazuo Murakami:
«Nous parlons nonchalamment de la vie, en disant: «Je vis». Cependant, personne sur terre ne vit que par ses propres capacités. J’ai étudié les recherches faites pour déchiffrer le code génétique humain. J’ai été fasciné par la splendide technologie qui nous a permis de faire ces recherches. Cependant, un jour j’ai réalisé un fait beaucoup plus surprenant.
Le code génétique est équivalent aux informations contenues dans des milliers de livres, mais il est écrit dans un espace infinitésimal.
Et pourtant, il peut être décodé avec précision et sans fin par une cellule dans le but de faire en sorte qu’un corps vivant conserve sa vie.
Qu’est-ce qui rend cela possible? Ce n’est pas l’intellect humain ou tout appareil technologique, mais la grande puissance de la nature. Je l’appelle «something great». Si nous pouvions vraiment comprendre ce fait, notre avenir serait plus optimiste.
Texte original: «People casually speak of life, saying ‘I am living’. However, nobody on earth lives solely by their own capability. I have been studying the research done to decode the human genetic code. I was fascinated by the splendid technology that enabled us to do this research. However, one day I became aware of a much more amazing fact. It is this: The genetic code is equivalent to the information contained in thousands of books, yet it is written in an infinitesimally small space. And still, it can be decoded accurately and ceaselessly by a cell for the purpose of making a living body maintain its life.
What makes this possible? Not the human intellect or any technological device but the great power of the nature. I call this ‘something great’. If we could truly understand this fact, our future would be more hopeful.»
Kazuo Murakami
(Nara, Japon, 1936)
Docteur en chimie moléculaire de l’Université de Kyoto, Japon (1964). Professeur adjoint, École de médecine de l’Université Vanderbilt, États-Unis (1976).
Professeur à l’Institut de biochimie appliquée, Université de Tsukuba, Japon (1978).
Professeur émérite de l’Université de Tsukuba (1999).
Japan Academy Award