Unfortunately, we made mistakes. We have made a conclusion based on incomplete, inaccurate data on life and the universe

Marcos N. Eberlin: Question of Dr. Augustus Nicodemus Lopes: Why, despite all these discoveries of Science, the theory still prevails in the Academy that life had a spontaneous origin, if its complexity is clear ? I believe, Augustus, It was because of a pact, a position we assumed 150 years ago. When Darwin proposed his theory, when he elaborated his …

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Exist ‘something great’ that makes it possible for a living body to maintain its life

Kazuo Murakami: “People casually speak of life, saying ‘I am living’. However, nobody on earth lives solely by their own capability. I have been studying the research done to decode the human genetic code. I was fascinated by the splendid technology that enabled us to do this research. However, one day I became aware of a much more amazing fact. …

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To what or to whom do we owe our existence?

Douglas Axe: “To what or to whom should we owe our existence? This should be the starting point for people who take life seriously, whether a scientific or not. We can not rest without the answer because everything that is absolutely important is riding on it”. From the book Undeniable: How biology confirms our intuition that life is projected. New …

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Muchos buenos científicos han concluido que un Dios inteligente ha decidido crear el universo

William Daniel Phillips: Premio Nobel de Física, 1997 “Como físico, observo la naturaleza desde un punto de vista particular. Veo un universo ordenado, hermoso, en el que casi todos los fenómenos físicos pueden ser entendidos con unas pocas y simples ecuaciones matemáticas. Veo a un universo que, de haber sido construido de una manera ligeramente diferente, nunca habría dado a …

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La ciencia nos invita a creer

Anton Zeilinger: “Algunas de las cosas que descubrimos en la ciencia son tan impresionantes que he elegido creer” Respuesta a la pregunta: Un científico con fe? La entrevista sigue así: La teletransportación cuántica es más cosa suya que de Dios… Estaba en el lugar y el momento adecuados. Tras años de investigación conseguimos transportar las características de una partícula a …

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