The Architect of all these things

Mikołaj Kopernik:

“Who lives in intimate contact with the most consummate order and divine wisdom, will not feel stimulated to the most sublime aspirations? Who will not adore? to the Architect of all these things? ”

Nicolás Copernicico
(Toruń, Prussia, 1473 – Frombork, Prussia, 1543)
Polish-Prussian scientist.
Mathematician, astronomer, jurist and physicist.
He formulated the heliocentric theory of the solar system

“If by chance there are [charlatans] who, while being ignorant of all mathematics, boasting of a judgment on them by some scriptural passage, malignantly distorted in their sense, they would dare to reject and attack this structuring of mine, I do not do anything about them, to the point that I will condemn their judgment as reckless. ”

Preface to De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium (On the revolutions of the celestial orbs) , 1543.

Galileo Galilei on Kopernik:

“[The] work, published at that time , has been well received by the Holy Church, and read and studied throughout the world, without ever having expressed any objection to its doctrine However, at the same time that the certainty of the Copernican theories is verified, based on exact experiments and necessary demonstrations, there is no shortage of people who, even without ever having seen the book, reward the multiple efforts of its author with the consideration of heretical “.

Galileo Galilei

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