Does science deny God?

Does science deny God?
Idioma: inglés
Fecha de inicio: 19/07/2018
Última actualización: 05/05/24, a las 10:05
Imagen: S.G.

We can all get the necessary answers if we turn to Science.

Independent of ideologies, we can all agree.


Yes. All those who have use of reason and are not dominated by fanaticisms of any kind.

We all agree in stating that Science can give us the necessary intelligent answers.

Because only Science explains, let's say, the reality of things.

Science does not allow itself to be manipulated by political interests,
nor for religious beliefs,
nor personal opinions.

At least, strictly speaking, I should not.

That's why it's Science: objective, impartial.

But do we really know what the Science has shown about our origins?

Do we know the texts of the most eminent scientists of all times, until today?

Pythagoras, Copernicus, Galileo,

Boyle, Newton, Ampère,

Pasteur, Planck, Einstein...

We are interested in knowing the truth.

What about you?

Reading texts from scientists, we have discovered amazing things that we would like to share with you, in this space.

We suggest that you not be content with what the majority affirms, what counts the 'official version'.

Do not be content with what they told you at school.

Many people told us that babies came in stork.

Or Paris!

Our parents or grandparents said that probably with good intentions, but the truth is that things are not like that.

Neither do we propose anything alternative, nor dangerous, nor that life came in alien ships.

No. Science only.

Doubt is the engine of Science.

Science and human thought advanced like this: the younger generations put in doubt1 what previous generations had taught.


They did experiments, repeatedly, until they came to demonstrate something new, formulated later in theories, in theorems, in laws...2

In a schematic way, the scientific method is summarized as follows:3

  1. They are observations
  2. A hypothesis
  3. A theory is formulated.
  4. When the theory is proven, you get to the Law.

It may be that you have ever asked yourself: why do maggots of decaying flesh arise? The explanation is not so simple.

From the antiquity of the Greek philosophers until the year 1864 (that is to say, for more than 2000 years), the scientific community believed that the Theory of spontaneous generation.4


Well why did they do experiments, and they worked! They appeared the worms in the organic substances in decomposition.5

Even mice.6

By 'spontaneous generation'.

Until the middle of the century xix, scientists were able to assure, with vehemence, what today makes us smile or even horrify:

Life can arise spontaneously through decomposing corpses.

Some believed that frogs, snakes and crocodiles, could come from the mud of rivers.

This was, then, the scientific truth: of the not life the life.5

Everyone was convinced.

But there was a French chemist and bacteriologist, pioneer of modern microbiology, Louis Pasteur, who doubted of this conclusion.7

Before him there were other scientists who also doubted8. It did not seem logical to them that no life could produce life.

Pasteur dedicated his life to investigating this 'incoherent truth' and, in the midst of criticism and much controversy, he managed to prove what is today an irrefutable law:9

"Only life creates life."

It's the Law of Biogenesis.10

And against the law, there are no arguments.11

Because of this, finally, everyone accepted it and our society was greatly benefited.

Such important techniques as the development of vaccines and antibiotics were possible,
as well as sterilization and hygiene as effective methods of curing and preventing the spread of infectious diseases.

This is really scientific thinking: to a doubt, we must analyze all the logical options to solve it.2


For science to really be Science, the scientist must exclude, from his analysis, two things:12

Your own ideas.

Your personal tastes.

Because the goal of Science is to know the truth through the evidences.

Science is based on evidences that are building universal laws, accepted by all.13

2 + 2 = 4

Like the Pythagorean Theorem: "The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs".

a2 = b2 + c2

Another good example is the Law of the Conservation of Energy that states:
"Energy is not created or destroyed, it only transforms."14

Or the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics:15
"Things tend, over time, to move to a less organized state".
The reverse process is impossible spontaneously.

The Law is reliable. While the theory is theory.

Karl Popper said: "I never suppose we can sustain the truth of theories from the truth of singular statements" .16

Another quote from Popper: "I never suppose that, by force of 'verified' conclusions, it is possible to have 'true' any theory." 16

That is to say: the theory, in itself, is not Science. Science is that which can be strictly observed.

There are many laws of nature. They act as operating rules. They are reliable. They are the solid foundations of Science.17

We have seen, above, three scientific laws:

There are many more:

Laws, sometimes, bear the name of a scientist.

For example:

But they were not created by them: they were discovered.

And there are also natural processes. They are regular, reproducible processes, also reliable.18

Like combustion,


cell division,


the fermentation,



the metamorphosis...

There are many more. All are processes verifiable.18

Natural processes
Cell division
Nuclear fission
Nuclear fusion


Then: What exactly does it say to us demonstrable Science?

Does God exist or does he not exist?



1) Modern Philosophy: An Introduction and Survey by Roger Scruton. London: Penguin Books (1994).
Quod nihil Scitur (Nothing is known) by Francisco Sánchez.
2) The General Pattern of the Scientific Method (SM-14) by Norman Edmund. Second Student Edition. Retired Founder of Edmund Scientific Co. (1994).
3) Scientific Autobiography by Max Planck. Ed. Nivola. Col. Epistéme. (2000). ISBN-13: 978-8495599049
A Origem das Teorias. Como Tudo Começou by Adauto Lourenço. Conference. Minute 30:55'
4) Nouvelles Recherches, Part 1-2: Sur les Decouvertes Microscopiques et la Generation des Corps Organises by L. Spallanzani and J.T. Needham (1769). Reprint Kessinger Publishing (2009).
5) Encyclopaedia Britannica (ed.) by John-Turberville-Needham.
6) Annals of Science 1 by Joan B. van Helmont, p.359-384. Partinngton, J. R. (1936).
7) Louis Pasteur of P. Debre and E. Forster. Johns Hopkins University Press (2000).
Pasteur: Vida y obra of M. Martínez Báez. Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica (1972).
8) Spallanzani - Uomo e scienziato. Archived from the original, at the Museo di Lazzaro Spallanzani (2010).
The Select Works of Antony van Leeuwenhoek, Containing His Microscopical Discoveries in Many of the Works of Nature by Antoni van Leeuwenhoek; Samuel Hoole (1800). G. Sidney. Edward Jenner (1749-1823). (2008).
9) Mémoire sur les corpuscules organisés qui existent dans l'atmosphère by Louis Pasteur. Paris: Mallet-Bachelier (1862).
10) Science and art collections, letters and manuscripts. Institut Pasteur (2014).
11) Fomos planejados: a maior descoberta científica de todos o tempos by Marcos Eberlin. p.293. São Paulo: Editora Makenzie (2018).
12) Intelligent Design x Darwinismo by Marcos Eberlin. Conference given to university professors. Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, UFMT (2013).
13) Rules for the study of natural philosophy, Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica by Isaac Newton. University of California Press.
14) Statistical Physics (2nd ed.). Mandl, F. (1988). Chichester New York Brisbane Toronto Singapore John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
15) The exact formulation is: "The amount of entropy in the universe tends to increase over time."
16) The logic of scientific discovery by Sir Karl Raimund Popper. p.10. London/New York: Taylor & Francis e-Library (2005).
17) Scientific Law. Wikipedia article.
A Origem das Teorias. Como tudo começou by A. Lourenço. Conference. Minute 32:21'
18) A Origem das Teorias. Como tudo começou by A. Lourenço. Conference. Minute 34:40'

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