#4: Genetics denies evolution

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Science leads to God

#4: Genetics denies evolution.

Video no. 4
Language: English
Review: 13
Last update: 01-04-2019

We have already seen in video number 3 that the Darwinian theory of evolution is not demonstrable science since it takes faith to believe in it.

Recall the words that George Wald, Nobel Prize in Medicine, left written in 1958:

“… I choose to believe in something that I know that is not scientifically possible: the spontaneous generation that leads to evolution”.1-2

That is to say: he chose to believe in something, (evolution), which he himself, as a scientist, knew was not scientifically possible.

It does not seem logical…

However, the Darwinian theory has been presented not as what it really is, a belief, but as Science demonstrated.

Maybe why
Genetics is
Science demonstrated?

When Darwin published his book (1859), genetics was not known. Nobody knew yet of the existence of something called:

Until 1904 there was no “genetic” term; it is attributed to William Bateson, who used this term for the first time in a letter addressed to Adam Sedgwick.


No one had the slightest idea that there was a genetic code inside our cells.

Nobody knew what it was like…


Scientist Gregor Mendel had not yet discovered genetics and its laws3

This happened a few years after the publication ofThe Origin of Species, in a distant monastery of what is now the Czech Republic.3

Mendel published his works in 1866, that is:
7 years later of Darwin publishing his book.

His work was published asExperiments on plant hybridization (Versuche über Plflanzenhybriden) in 1866 in the Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Brno, Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Mendel’s contribution to biology was so extraordinary that it is comparable to the contribution of Newton to the development of Physics.

However, Mendel’s work was totally ignored for more than 30 years…

For what reason?

His work was in direct contradiction to Darwin’s theories4 and made those involved in evolutionary ideas uncomfortable.

Mendel’s genetics presented evidence of planning.5

Planning presupposes a Planner…

Mendel discovered that the transmission of life is something very meticulous, scrupulously well defined, opposed to the idea of ​​evolutionary randomness.6

Mendel’s work pointed to a life planning, through the laws of inheritance.

Clear and well-defined laws.


Darwin, on the other hand, defended pangenesis7, the inheritance by mixing of blood, because it clarified -according to him- fundamental facts of his theory.

But pangenesis which had been conjectured by Anaxagoras in the century v before Christ was alive and inconsiderate of Darwin.8-9

Today is simply ridiculous.

However Mendel was rejected during the century xix, while Darwin was acclaimed.4

In the intellectual circles of Victorian England, Darwin’s Origin of Species was highly anticipated.

The full title of the book was:The origin of species through natural selection or the conservation of the favored races in the struggle for life

In a single day, 1,250 copies of its first edition were sold out.10

Likewise in Germany, some time later, the bookThe Wonders of Life by Haeckel (propagator of Darwinism) was an extraordinary success:11

Haeckel’s book had 15 editions. And each of them printed between 30,000 and 40,000 copies.

More than half a million books!

Darwinism managed to fit in with the ideas of a very specific historical period.


Anyway, if we are talking about Science, the ideas should not be important.

Only the evidence.

The theory of evolution of species from a common ancestral, fitted with ideas and philosophical views very influential thinkers of the time, like Malthus, Marx, Nietzsche, Freud…12-13

Thomas Malthus:

“A man born in an already busy world, if his parents can not feed him and if society does not need his work, has no right to claim even the smallest portion of food (in fact, that man left).14

“In the great banquet of nature [that man] no cover has been reserved for him. The nature orders you to leave and it does not take long to fulfill your threat“.14

Geologist Charles Lyell15, (who, in turn, was inspired by Indian and Greek mythology), got important ideas, such as the slow changes over millions of years and the famous ‘broth primordial’.

British geologist. One of the most outstanding representatives of uniformitarianism and geological gradualism.

Charles Lyell:

Many characteristics of living beings “can be attributed to the operation in a was remote of slow and quiet causes, to the deposition gradual of sediment in a lake or in the ocean”.15

Karl Marx:

“Darwin’s book is very important and serves as a base in natural science for the class struggle in history”.16

Theorist of Marxism and, by extension, of communism.

Karl Marx:

“Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a world without a heart, the spirit of a situation lacking in spirit. It’s the opium of the people“.17

Friedrich Nietzsche:

God is dead!
God is dead!
And we have killed him”.18

German philosopher, poet, musician and philologist, considered one of the most influential contemporary thinkers of the centuryxix.

Sigmund Freud:

“The feelings of ‘love and fear of God’ do not have their origin in God, but in human beings. They are feelings of frustration directed by man to an imaginary being that he pretends to be his father”.19

Sigmund Freud (Moravia, Czech Republic), 1856 – London, 1939). Austrian doctor and neurologist, creator of psychoanalysis.

But it gives the impression, to those who have deepened in the subject, that Darwin had not come so far…20-21

After all, he believed in the existence of God. Besides, his academic training was not in biology -even if he had the habit of collecting insects- but Darwin had studied…


There is ambiguity in his writings, but he does not seem to intend to cause the paradigm shift he ended up causing with his theory.21

There are studies that affirm that Darwin, in opposition to the fascist ideas22 dominant in his time, wanted to exculpate God, for philosophical and non-scientific reasons,

so that God could not be blamed for the evil existing in the world.

But let’s go back to genetics.

30 years after being published23, Mendel’s work had to be accepted, until it was recognized as…


The well-known Laws of Mendel, which are the basis of all the modern genetics, valid until today.

And why did not Darwinism die then?

He actually died (as has happened before) but he was ‘resurrected’. It was very important that it did not end because it brought a supposed…

‘scientific proof’.

A hypothetical ‘scientific proof’ that served as a basis for non-scientific beliefs, among which philosophical materialism and atheism, increasing in the Europe of the end of the century xix.24

Going back would have required a very rare quality in humans:


Therefore, the Darwinism of the beginning of the century xx ended up ‘evolving’ before the evidence of genetics.

He added, in 1922, the speculative theory about the origin of the life of the Soviet Oparín (who followed the official Marxist interpretation of the Communist Party of his country).25

Note that Oparín made his theory, 5 years after the beginning of the Russian Revolution of 1917, in full ideological fervor of the newly born Soviet Union.

And it was renamed neo-Darwinism, around 1930.

All this was completed, later (1952), by the experiment -not rigorous and very controversial- by the Englishman Stanley Miller.26

This is today the belief of a good part of the scientific community. It has also been called Synthetic Theory or Modern Evolutionary Synthesis.27

This theory only recognizes the natural selection and the random mutations as factors that cause the appearance and expansion of new animal species and vegetables.

In future videos we will analyze in detail these two interesting aspects of Darwinism.

The serious problem for Science (and for humanity in general) is that this theory was presented, again, as Science.


That Darwin was unaware of the most elementary laws of genetics, has its logic.

He also completely ignored the sophisticated structure of a cell.

Obviously, I was also unaware of the surprising novelties that molecular biology would discover during the second half of the century xx.28

Darwin was not a prophet.

But that today’s neo-Darwinism continues to ignore them is very serious.

A momentous discovery in 1953 (only a year after Miller’s crude experiment) could have been enough to rethink the prevailing paradigm.

Researchers at the University of Cambridge, James Watson and Francis Crick, discovered the molecular structure of DNA29.

Watson and Crick discovered the double elite of the DNA molecule.

They informed the world that this impressive molecule stores information in the form of a digital code of four characters.

But what exactly is DNA?

Here we reproduce a fragment of the extraordinary documentary The Fantastic Theory produced by Nehemiah Jaruchik, who collaborates with us:30

Antonio Martínez:

“We all have, in the nucleus of each of our cells, an instruction book, which is DNA, then the DNA contains encoded information, is a code.

Dr. Antonio R. Martínez has a degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Santiago de Compostela; Doctor of Medicine from the University of Valladolid; specialist in Ophthalmology at the University Clinical Hospital of Valladolid.

“There is talk of the genetic code, there are other codes: the code of computers, of zeros and ones (where each letter, each number is represented by a combination of zeros and ones) ..

“The code of the blind, the Braille code, or the Morse code…

DNA is a code “.

Indeed, a chemical code of the highest sophistication formed by a long chain of nucleotides.

In turn, each nucleotide is composed of a nitrogenous base, a phosphate group and deoxyribose. The nitrogenous bases, or nucleobases, are: Adenine, Cytosine, Thymine and Guanine, or:

A, C, T, G.

These four letters are the cornerstones of DNA and determine, to a large extent, the information of the genetic code.

Ramón Gómez:

“But the information does not reside in the chemical elements of DNA, but in the order of appearance of these chemical elements.

Ramón Gómez MSc has a degree in Mathematics (OU); Master in Science and Society (OU); Computer Engineer and has worked for various institutions of the European Union.

“Exactly like in a modern language, the order of the letters determines the meaning of a word.

“If we change the order or sequence in which the letters appear, we get a word with a different meaning, that is, the information resides in the sequence and not in the characters.

“This shows us that the genetic information comes from a Intelligent Agent, because only an intelligent mind is capable of expressing information and coding it in a sequence of characters”.

Antonio Martínez:

“This compound -each of the letters- does not form spontaneously in nature, and less, is sorted by themselves.

“That is, spontaneously, even if you put the nucleotides all together there, they would not form sentences that could be interpreted and that could form the correct proteins.

“It’s like if you go to the beach one day and you find low tide and say there:

“Manolito loves Juanita”.

Well, first you do not think that order of letters organized it the tide going up and down, or the wind; but that someone wrote that, because it’s understandable, you can understand what it says.

“Well, how are you going to think that 3 billion letters with perfectly structured sentences will appear by chance? Knowing, moreover, that physicochemically they do not link spontaneous way “.

Without intervention
of an Intelligence

is not scientifically possible.

You can help us understand this a fragment of the impeccable documentary of the Center for Science and Culture, in the following speech by Dr. Stephen C. Meyer:31

Stephen C. Meyer:

“When I taught, I used to ask my students a question, if you want to give your computer a new function, what do you need to give it?

“And they knew what to say: a code or a software or instructions, or also a program.

“All of these answers are correct. To generate a new function on a computer, you have to have a code, you have to have some instructions.

“The same thing happens in biology, this is the great discovery of the second half of the century xx in biology:

“It is the information that is performing the show in the biological systems.

To build a new animal life form different types of cells and proteins are needed and, therefore, genetic information is needed.


But, where does the information come from?

We continue to hear Stephen Meyer:

“What cause is now in operation for the production of digital information?

“Why the crucial question of the origin of animal life and the origin of life itself is:

“Where does the information come from?

“The information stored digitally in the DNA molecule, where did it come from, and what was necessary to build these new ways of life?

“And I realized that the answer to this question is:


“The cause in operation now, the cause that we know of our repeated and uniform experience (another key idea of ​​Lyell)32, that is capable of producing information is:


“If we are looking at a hieroglyphic inscription, or a paragraph in a book, or a portion of computer code…

“or even the information incorporated into a radio signal;

“whenever we see information (especially when we find information in digital or typographic format),

“If we go back to the origin, to its first source, we will always reach…

“One mind

and not a material process”.

Genetics and biology, therefore, not only do not confirm the Darwinian theory but the ‘completely destroy’ (in the words of Darwin himself).33

And they open a new evidence: life could only come into existence through the action of a Being very intelligent,

The ‘old’ Creator.

Which, for 160 years, had been cut off from the scientific scene…

By philosophical beliefs.

But, and the natural selection and the random mutations, do not confirm the evolution?



1) Donald E. Johnson. Programming of Life. United States of America: Big Mac Publishers; 2010: 123.
2) George Wald. Innovation and Biology. Scientific American, Vol.199; Sept. 1958:100.
3) Gregor Mendel Biography [Web Site]. The Biography.com website [cited 2018 Oct 26]. Available from: https://www.biography.com/people/gregor-mendel-39282/
4) A Genética da variabilidade | Filosofia das Origens #4 . YouTube [Video File]. [cited 2018 Jul 26], [9:25 min.] Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-O5PQB1CMZw?start=565/ (Roberto Azevedo, biologist)
5) Joseph Sant. Mendel, Darwin and Evolution [Web Site]. Scientus.org [cited 2018 April 6] Available at: http://www.scientus.org/Mendel-Darwin.html/
6) Charles Darwin – On the Origin of Species [Web Site]. Encyclopædia Britannica [cited 2019 Jan 6] Available from: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Charles-Darwin/On-the-Origin-of-Species/
7) A.M. Winchester. Genetics [Web Site]. Encyclopædia Britannica [cited 2018 Nov 26]. Available from: https://www.britannica.com/science/genetics/
8) Francis Galton: Hereditarian [Web Site]. Galton.org [cited 2019 Mar 2]. Available from: http://galton.org/hereditarian.html/
9) Adrian Desmond, James Moore. Darwin. Germany: Rowohlt Verlag, 1994. ISBN 3-499-19574-7.
10) Jan Sapp. Two faces of the prokaryote concept. International Microbiology. Canada, 2006. 9:163-172.
11) Archie Bland. The Big Question: How important was Charles Darwin, and what is his legacy today? [Web Site]. The Independent [cited 2019 Feb 2] Available from: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/the-big-question-how-important-was-charles-darwin-and-what-is-his-legacy-today-1216258.html/
12) Steve Mirsky. Darwin’s Influence on Modern Thought [Web Site]. Scientific American [cited 2018 Sep 17] Available from: https://www.scientificamerican.com/podcast/episode/darwins-influence-on-modern-thought-09-11-24/
13) Roland Pressat. Introducción a la demografía. Spain: Ed. Altaya, S.A., 2000. ISBN 84-487-1951-4.
14) Charles Lyell. Principles of Geology [Web Site]. darwin-online.org.uk [cited 2019 Mar 26] Available from: http://darwin-online.org.uk/content/frameset?viewtype=text&itemID=A505.1&pageseq=1/
15) Franz Mehring. Karl Marx: Historia de su vida. Translation of W. Roces. Barcelona: Ed. Grijalbo, 1975.
16) Karl Marx. Introducción a la Crítica a la filosofía del derecho de Hegel. 5a ed. Translation of Angélica Mendoza de Montero. Buenos Aires: Ed. Claridad, 1968.

17) Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. La gaya ciencia. Edition, translation and notes of Juan Luis Vermal. Spain: Ed. Tecnos, 2016. ISBN: 9788430968954. (Aphorism 125)
18) Sigmund Freud. Volumen XIII – Tótem y tabú, y otras obras (1913-1914). Buenos Aires: Ed. Amorrortu, 1978. ISBN 978-950-518-575-7.
19) Dobbs David. How Charles Darwin seduced Asa Gray [Web Site]. WIRED-Science [cited 2018 June 5] Available from: https://www.wired.com/2011/04/how-charles-darwin-seduced-asa-gray/
20) Sociologia da Ciência | Filosofia das Origens #7 – YouTube [Video File]. [cited 2018 Sep 3], [2:15 min.] Available from: https://www.youtube.com/embed/tHTloaBQOh4?start=135 (Fábio Augusto Darius, theologian)
21) Carlos Linneo. Systema naturæ, sive regna tria naturæ systematice proposita per classes, ordines, genera, & species (Syst. Nat. 10a ed). [Web Site]. biodiversitylibrary.org [cited 2019 Mar 1]. Available from: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/542/
22) Peter J. Bowler. Evolution: the history of an idea. United States: Ed. UC Press, 2003. ISBN 0-520-23693-9.
23) Correspondence of Karl Marx- Friedrich Engels. Letter 49: January 16, 1861. Editions of Popular Culture. Mexico (1972).
24) Sidney W. Fox. Aleksandr Oparin, Russian biochemist. [Web Site]. Encyclopædia Britannica [cited 2019 Mar 6]; Available from: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Aleksandr-Oparin/
25)Parker, E. T., Cleaves, J. H., Burton, A. S., et al. Conducting Miller-Urey Experiments. J. Vis. Exp. (83), e51039, doi:10.3791/51039 (2014).
26) Chris Colby . Introduction to Evolutionary Biology [Web site]. talkorigins.org [cited 2018 Jun 22]. Available from: http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/faq-intro-to-biology.html/
27) Stephen Bustin. Molecular Biology of the Cell, Sixth Edition; ISBN: 9780815344643; and Molecular Biology of the Cell, Sixth Edition, The Problems Book; ISBN 9780815344537. International Journal of Molecular Sciences vol. 16,12 28123–28125. 26 Nov. 2015, doi:10.3390/ijms161226074.
28) The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1962 [Web Site]. NobelPrize.org. Nobel Media AB [cited 2019 Mar 26]. Available from: https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/medicine/1962/summary/
29) Nehemías Jaruchik. La Teoría Fantástica o como se creó el mito de la evolución. Altoconcept [Video File]. [cited 2019 Jan 13]. Available from: http://www.lateoriafantastica.com/ver.html
30) John G. West. Information Enigma: Where does information come from. Discovery Science News. YouTube [Video File]. [cited 2019 Feb 9]. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=409&v=aA-FcnLsF1g
31)Charles Lyell. Principles of geology, being an attempt to explain the former changes of the Earth’s surface, by reference to causes now in operation. London: John Murray, 1832.
32) Charles Darwin. El origen de las especies. Capítulo VI – Dificultades de la teoría [Web Site]. marxists.org [cited 2019 Nov 20]. Available from: https://www.marxists.org/espanol/darwin/1859/origenespecies/06.htm

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Concert for flute, strings and basso continuo, in C major, “Il Gardellino”, Op. 10 num. 3 of Antonio Vivaldi. Public domain.
Coral 80 “O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden”, BWV 244, of J.S. Bach. D.P. Interpreter: Paolo Troni
Danza fantástica núm. 3, “Orgía”, of Joaquín Turina. Public domain.


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