Life exists on Earth as part of a gran designer

Ronny Nalín:

The exploration are trying to estimate the number of planets that have similar characteristics to those of the Earth, and so one. Then, I do not know. The universe is huge…

So I really do not know if our earth planet have these especifics characteristics that are so unique or if, perhaps, there are many other similar planets that have similar characteristics. But one thing is: there is life on Earth, that Earth sustains life very well and works as a very well integrated system.

So I consider that as part of a gran designer. And maybe that gran designer works on many other planets.

Even if we found other planets that were like Earth and worked very well, and had life tuned with the planet, for me that would be just another way of saying: ‘Yes. There is an intelligent Being behind my existence and of other creatures or, also, others worlds exist. ‘

Ronny Nalín
PhD in Earth Sciences from the Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy. 2006
MSc in Geology, summa cum laude, Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy. 2002.
See publications from Ronny Nalín
Text taken from the video Terra viva # 1 from the youtube channel Origens NT, published on Jul 1. 2017

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